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LMO Challenge test

As a first step in bringing all concerned with Lifting Machine Operator training to a suitable and consistent level, a Challenge test is being offered in order establish current levels of appropriate Regulatory knowledge among all persons who deal with LMO training. There is also a Guide available for those who need to improve knowledge of this environment.

Our strategy is to bring a level of professionalism to LMO training with a goal to register an LMO Professional Body with SAQA. Ideally, the sector needs to be managed by experienced and knowledgeable persons from the sector, which requires participation from all persons with interests in LMO training. Questions often asked include:

- What qualifies as a lifting machine?

- What machines are addressed by the NCOP requirements?

- What are the Regulatory requirements for LMO training providers?

- What evidence must a training provider supply to offer LMO training?

- What is LMO training duration?

- What are the Operator number restrictions for LMO training?

- What constitutes a valid LMO Certificate issued by a training provider?

Let's start answering these questions and others in a consistent way to get rid of all the misinterpretations and misrepresentations so common in our field.

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